Reliance primarily on a country's own human and natural resources and the capacity for autonomous goal-setting and decision-making. Autosuficiencia |  Implies the enhancement of capabilities of people and institutions to improve their competence and problem solving capacities in a sustainable manner. Desarrollo de la capacidad |  Based on the socio-cultural characteristics of a country, rather than on its integration into the world economy. Desarrollo end?geno |
 A process of enlarging people's choices: focuses on both the formation of human capabilities - improved health, knowledge and skills - and the use people make of their acquired capabilities, for work or leisure. Desarrollo humano |  Development taking into account a range of factors characteristic of the human condition. Desarrollo integrado |  Institutionalization of popular participation in the development process. Desarrollo participativo |
 Environmentally sound development, which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Desarrollo sostenible |  Integration of women into the development process. Mujer y desarrollo |  The minimum requirements for a decent standard of life: adequate food, shelter, clothing, community services. They also include needs relating to human rights, public participation in decision-making, productive employment. Necesidades b?sicas |